Product Information


Catalogue number VAS-005
Product Name N-Nitrosodiethylamine
Sub Category Pharma Reference Standard; Pharmaceutical/API Drug Impurities/Metabolites
API Valsartan
CAS Number 55-18-5
HS Code 29339900
Synonyms N-Ethyl-N-nitrosoethanamine; DEN; DENA; Diethylnitrosamide; Diethylnitrosamine; Diethylnitrosoamine; N,N-Diethylnitrosoamine; N-Ethyl-N-nitrosoethanamine; N-Nitroso-N,N-diethylamine
Appearance Pale Yellow to Yellow Oil
Storage Refrigerator
Solubility Chloroform, Ethyl Acetate, Methanol (Sparingly)
Applications N-Nitrosodiethylamine (DEN) is a widely occurring nitrosamine that is one of the most important environmental carcinogens (1) primarily inducing tumors of liver (2,3). Drinking water contaminant candidate list 3 (CCL 3) compound as per United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), environmental, and food contaminants. NDMA and NDEA were found as an impurity in generic versions of valsartan, losartan and irbesartan. Not a dangerous good if item is equal to or less than 1g/ml and there is less than 100g/ml in the package
Information This product is for commercial use only and strictly NOT for human or animal consumption
Shipping Condition stable to be shipped at room temperature
Inventory Status In Stock
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Chemical Name: N-Nitrosodiethylamine

Synonym: N-Ethyl-N-nitrosoethanamine; DEN; DENA; Diethylnitrosamide; Diethylnitrosamine; Diethylnitrosoamine; N,N-Diethylnitrosoamine; N-Ethyl-N-nitrosoethanamine; N-Nitroso-N,N-diethylamine